Friday, February 17, 2006

LIEberal Nerve

Original post can be found at: Thursday, February 16, 2006

Title: The Conservatives Have Misled Voters

"I ask the Canadian electorate the following; do you enjoy supporting a government which goes back on its word? Would you vote for this government again? Apparently yes. If the Conservative party were to stay true to it's claims of Accountability, Opportunity, and Security this type of 'wheeling and dealing' would not happen. We must have misunderstood the catch phrases of the Conservatives... Accountable only to themselves, Opportunity for their friends, and Security to those who they see fit."

Let us see:

"Do you enjoy supporting a government which goes back on its word?"
Well, the LIEberal had promised that the Grits Support Tories tax would be abolished when they got into power. Still paying the GST! Yes, over the years the LIEberal constantly went back on their word.

"Would you vote for this government again?"

Finally people did not believe the LIEberal fear tactics - except Toronto - and gave the Conservatives a chance. Now that much of the truth of the gun registry is coming out all Canadians will see how the LIEberal Party of Canada kept them in the dark.
Therefore I ask - who would believe the LIEberals on any matter. The LIEberals can not accuse any other party without looking into a mirror. Have they broken promises - more than you can think. Are the LIEberals accountable - the last two weeks before the election the PM Paul Martin and his hangmen made missions of dollars of promises to bribe voters. They even went so far as to say that there should be no weapons in space.

"We must have misunderstood the catch phrases of the Conservatives... "

"Accountable only to themselves"

Isn’t this what the LIEberals had done for twelve years? They were very "self serving" and made any promise to stay in power so the "books" wouldn’t be opened.

"Opportunity for their friends." This is almost the funniest thing I see - the friends of the past two LIEberal Prime Ministers have ALWAYS been given "opportunities" that would shame a normal person. "Doublemint Dingwall is getting over $400,000 plus pension benefits," now if tat wasn’t an opportunity for a friend, I don’t know what is. In fact if the Canadian voters knew this before the election - which the PM Paul Martin knew three days before election day - that this would have destroyed the LIEberal Party

"Security to those who they see fit."

Dingwall again as an example. Yet financial security is common to the LIEberals - Adscam is a perfect example - 'nuffsaid about that.

Therefore, what have the LIEberals got to say about condemning the Conservative Party - while they have and will have more problems to be worried about, as more and more books are opened.


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