It's true LIEberals are corrupt
It's true, I found a LIEberal that admitted they had a corrupt overnment. I was under: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Where is Stephen Harper?
in the comments section. I include my coments in this blog.
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He is very busy with his staff looking over the books and perhaps thinking of laying charges against the LIEberals. Stockwell Day already mentioned that Canadians will be shocked at the true cost of the gun regestry.
"The Canadian electorate has become jaded by years of political corruption, so the CPC will get away with this and no consequences."
Finally an honest LIEberal!!!
You mean to say, "... The Canadian electorate has become jaded by years of political corruption ..."
I do not believe it!!!
Let te bell ring out, let the banners fly, its true It is true!!!
Now if only you could convince your fellow LIEberals of this FACT!!!!!
" ... so the CPC will get away with this and no consequences."
I guess it was from watching the last two Prime Ministers do this and habbits are hard to break.
At least the LIEberals have something that the Conservitves don't have - sitting in the opposition.
It sounds good and worth repeating ... LIEberals in opposition ... one more time for Canada's sake, LIEberals in opposition
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The LIEberals are starting to admit this more often now that some more of the corruption is comming out. It should be an interseting /paralament when it resumes.